Newsletter - Winter 2013

Goldwyns News

As you have no doubt already noticed, the internal branding changes are now progressing rapidly. We are big fans of the new design as it reflects the changing times here at Goldwyns and signals our progression into a newer and fresher format for the future - we hope all of our clients like the new branding. It will take us a little while to change absolutely everything over to our newer formats so we apologise in advance if you receive anything from us with a few inconsistencies!

However, there is an important lesson we can also pass on here. 'Goldwyns your business our priority' is now a registered trademark at the Intellectual Property Office - it costs a relatively small amount to register a trademark but we felt it was a worthwhile exercise as it is another level of protection over the firm's trading identity. Although, we would note we have been bombarded with several 'official' overseas trade mark registers asking for further payment ever since. Please don't get caught out.

In other news, over the last few weeks we have also run a very successful MacMillan coffee morning raising a total of £170 for a worthy charity; and have also entered a few local quizzes (although first place still eludes us!).

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to offer heartfelt congratulations to Daniel Berris, one of our trainees, who has recently passed his final examination and so will shortly be a fully fledged chartered accountant able to use the prestigious letters 'ACA' after his name. Well done Daniel!