Goldwyns news

Hopefully you will have already seen from our most recent updates that we have promoted Sam Blundell to a director of the firm. This represents a part of our longer-term planning at Goldwyns and highlights a question that is all too often overlooked in the trials and tribulations of running a business every day.

When was the last time you worked on your business, rather than in it?

Everyone’s aims are different (and often change!) but it is very easy to get bogged down making hay and forgetting that one day the sun may not be shining. Owning a business means that every now and then you have to step back from the day-to-day and think about where you are going. Priming a business for the next generation, for example, involves building a stable foundation and retaining key talent in the right areas, which takes time. Capitalising on the next big opportunity requires identifying what that next big opportunity might be. Making effective savings means first working out what you can do better.

Strategic thinking is not always easy but it is important. Some changes don’t (or shouldn’t) happen overnight, but you should take the time every now and then to think about your business’ future too.

If you need some support, you know where we are.