Goldwyns News

We are pleased to report that since our last newsletter Ben Hockett and Ryan Lane have received their final exam results and both have passed with flying colours.

These results are the culmination of at least four years of hard study alongside a number of practical training areas including ‘real-world’ work experience and technical application. These qualifications will allow Ben and Ryan to apply to become fully fledged chartered accountants. It is not widely known but the title ‘accountant’ is not protected in law and no formal qualification or recognition is required to practice as an accountant. We are therefore always keen to emphasise the significant difference between an ‘accountant’ and a ‘chartered accountant’.

Our Institute (ICAEW) is formed and governed under Royal Charter dating back to 1880 and applies strict membership regulations extending to not just technical competence but also professional ethics, standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions for non-compliance. To be accepted as a member of the Institute is not just a testament to the hard work of our trainees but is also a privilege of which they should be justifiably proud.

As a training firm, we are particularly pleased to see our staff successfully complete the long journey to chartered status, although we are forever mindful of course that the exams are getting easier then when we sat them!